Rapid Health

Exciting Changes to Our Appointment System Effective Monday 28th April 2025!

This system requires patients or carers to complete a simple online form (takes 4 mins on average to complete) and then you will receive an email offering you an appointment or appropriate advice. If available you will have the choice of which GP you see, and if you would like a face to face or telephone appointment.

Two local practices have already launched total triage and they have received positive feedback from their patients and staff who have found accessing appointments much easier and quicker than the traditional method.

Please find below some FAQs and a video demonstrating how the online system works.

Patient Explainer Video

Please take a look at the video below for more information.

Starting from 28th April 2025 all GP appointment requests for patients over the age of 16 will be triaged to our GP team using a triage tool called Rapid Health.  This is accessed via the Musters Medical Practice website. Help is available to assist patients who are not confident using IT.

Still Have More Questions?

Please find the Frequently Asked Questions below for more information

Why are we changing things? 

We have listened to patient feedback and recognise that accessing appointments has been a difficult and frustrating process for many patients. With ever-growing demand, we are continuously looking at ways we can improve the booking process and ensure patients are seeing the right healthcare professional in the most clinically appropriate time frame and that we provide equality and fairness.

What is Rapid Health

Rapid health is an NHS approved triage tool. It allows the patient to either make an administrative request, book an appointment, or receive self-help information through the Musters Medical Practice website.

When you click on the Rapid Health button it will offer the following options:

  • Medical Request
  • Admin Request
  • Self-help information

Clicking on the Medical Request button will take you to a detailed questionnaire to complete. This is then triaged, following which a suitable appointment will be offered if clinically appropriate.

What date does Rapid Health launch?

The planned date for the Rapid Health launch is on the 28th April 2025

What do I need to do before the start day of 28th April 2025?

Every patient needs to provide an email address to the practice so that you can book an appointment and receive confirmation using the Rapid Health appointment system. To allow you to do this easily, every patient will be sent a text which you can reply to giving your email address.

Your email address will be stored confidentially on your medical record.

Why do I need to complete a Rapid Health questionnaire?

All patients will be asked to answer questions using the Rapid Health online form on the practice website. If you are really struggling to complete the form our reception team will be able to help. Your answers help the system find the right type of appointment for you. This also means the GP will have the relevant information prior to your appointment, enabling them to have more time to provide quality care to you.

Will I still be able to book appointments via Patient Access and NHS app?

The only way to GP book appointments for patients over 16 years of age will be via the Rapid Health function on the practice website. Patients will still be able to access their medical records, test results and prescriptions via NHS app and Patient access. All other appointments will continue to be made via reception.

How do I book a GP appointment?

From the 28th April when the system is live, you will be able to click the Rapid Health link on the website. This will take you to the Rapid Health questionnaire.

You do not need an online app/account – no complex registration process

  1. You can book a GP appointment online through our Rapid Health system. To help make your experience as smooth as possible, please read and follow the steps below:

Step 1 – Click ‘Access Rapid Health Triage’

Step 2 – Click ‘Adult medical request’ if you have a NEW medical symptom or problem


Click ‘Questions and admin’ if you need one of the following:

Request a letter or report

Referral request

Fit note request

Test result requests (do check on the NHS app first)

Repeat prescription request

Travel clinic request

Update personal details

Register for electronic prescribing


Click ‘Self-help information’ for trusted NHS advice on your symptoms or conditions

Step 3 – Provide your information: fill in your name, date of birth, post code, phone number and email address.

Step 4 – Answer questions carefully to enable the system to book the correct appointment for your issue/request. Under most clinical circumstances you will be able to choose a GP appointment straight away.

Based on your responses, if it is clinically appropriate to wait, you may not be able to book an appointment immediately, but your request will be seen by a doctor within 48hrs and they will either call or email you with an appointment or appropriate advice. Please avoid sending numerous requests about the same issue.

Please note that you may be contacted by email or phone.

Is there anyone who can help me use the online system?

Yes – our receptionists can help you use the online system; they will take you through the online form. We are also going to arrange some drop in sessions prior to the 28th April to show patients how to use the system- the date of these sessions is being confirmed and we will be in touch.

Can I still book a GP appointment at reception?

No, we really want to encourage you to use our new online system in the first instance. If you don’t have access to the internet, then please get in touch by phone. The phone lines are open as usual from Monday to Friday, 8am to 6:30pm. 

What time can I book a GP appointment?

The Rapid Health system will be available from 7am each working day (Monday to Friday except on bank holidays) and will be switched off when we reach the safe working capacity for the practice.  The system will become available again from 7am the next working day.

What type of appointments can I book using the Rapid Health System?

GP appointments

What do I do if I want to see a specific GP?

When booking an appointment, the GPs with available appointments will be shown and you will be able to select the appointment you would like.

What do I do if I want to pre book an appointment?

All our appointments will be available to book via Rapid Health. After completing the Rapid Health questions an appointment will be offered within an appropriate time frame.

Will all Healthcare Professional be on Rapid Health?

Nurses, Health Care Assistants and Pharmacists appointments are not bookable through Rapid Health, this may change in the future. Please continue to use the phones to book these appointments.

My problem is personal and I only want to tell a GP.

In order for the Rapid Health system to direct you to the correct healthcare professional in the correct time frame you do need to give certain information on the form. This is saved directly on to your medical record but goes no further. If you need help navigating the questionnaire or our website, you can speak confidentially to one of our receptionists at the practice who can assist you. Our reception team follow a strict code of confidentiality just like the rest of our staff.

How are other types of appointments booked?

We will NOT be using the Rapid Health online system for the following appointments which can still be booked by contacting the reception team via 0115 9814124

  • Children under the age of 16
  • Routine practice nurse appointments
  • Annual reviews with a Nurse (e.g. Diabetes, Asthma, COPD, Blood pressure)
  • Home visits
  • Palliative care patient reviews or requests

I cannot access the internet; how can I get to see a GP now?

If you do not have access to the internet you can still call the practice and one of our receptionists will guide you through the triage form.

Carers and housebound patients

If you look after somebody who is a Musters Medical Practice patient, if you are looked after by a carer or if you are housebound, please tell our reception team. It is important that we have this information on your medical records so that we can provide appropriate care and support.

Why have I been offered an appointment with a Healthcare Professional who is not a GP?

Patients will be offered an appointment with the most appropriate healthcare professional for the problem described.  This may include being signposted to another service such as a Pharmacy.

I was not offered an appointment, what do I do?

Once you have completed the Rapid Health triage questionnaire, we will offer an appointment in the most appropriate time frame. If you have not received an appointment option straight away, it means that your request has been passed to the Doctor to review. A staff member will be in contact within 48 hours

How do I book a medication review?

Medication reviews are not bookable online. Please contact the practice and book in with a pharmacist.

How do I book my annual reviews with GPs? For example: Asthma, COPD and Diabetes

These appointments do not require a triage form. Please contact the practice by phone and reception will book this for you with our practice nurses.

How do I book a nurse appointment?

Our Nurse appointments are not yet bookable online. Please contact the practice to book a Nurse/HCA appointments as you currently are.

Who will book follow up appointments?

The healthcare professionals will book your follow up appointment if required.

I require an interpreter/assistance for my appointment.

All patients will receive a text/email confirming their appointment. In this message it will tell you to contact the practice if you require an interpreter or assistance.

Can I book on behalf of my child aged over 16 or someone I am caring for?

You can submit a request online on behalf of someone else

How do I book an appointment for a child under 16?

You can still book the same way as before by ringing the practice.

How does the Admin Request option work?

Through the Admin Request button, you can request sick notes, acute prescriptions, or doctors’ letters, and make any other administrative requests.

Can I still order my repeat prescription in the old way?

Yes, please continue to use the NHS app, Systm Online or via the postbox.  Please don’t order repeat prescriptions through RapidHealth.

Where can I find Rapid Health?

Rapid Health link will be clearly displayed on the homepage of our website

Will Rapid Health be available on the NHS app?

Work is underway to link Rapid Health to the NHS app. We will let you know once this option is available

What if I have more questions?

Please contact us by email if you have more questions that are not answered here. This system is new to us as well, but we will do our best to answer your queries and to make the new system work for everyone.

You can watch a short video about Rapid Health here https://vimeo.com/948772217/f3e9d87d1b