Patient Participation Group

We are an active group of patients who meet bi-monthly with a range of staff from the practice and provide a link between staff and patients. We also take soundings from a wider ‘virtual’ group of practice patients who contribute their views and opinions on important topics by email.

We aim to:

  • Provide a forum for patients where they will have the opportunity to collaborate with and support the practice, and provide a patient’s perspective to the practice, both in meetings and via electronic communication (‘virtual PPG group’).
  • Enable patients to influence local health care services.
  • Communicate with all patients coming to the practice via the noticeboard to the left of the reception desk which display our latest ideas for you to read and comment on. Also look out for news items in the practice newsletter, both in print and on the website, and text messages and emails for important updates.
  • Support the practice with patient education and gathering feedback e.g. through the ‘Friends and Family Test’ survey each month.
  • Hold an Annual General Meeting to review our progress and invite any patient to attend to express their views.
  • Engage patients and help develop an understanding of the impact of important changes to healthcare being introduced across the whole Rushcliffe area.
  • Represent the view of Musters Medical Practice patients at local patient forums on which we are active participants.

If you have any comments about Musters Medical Practice that you think the PPG could address, please contact us via the Practice Manager or email via the link below. Any written correspondence addressed to the Patient Participation Group will be opened at PPG meetings. Email correspondence may be addressed more quickly. We will do our best to address any issues raised, however please note that our meetings are bi-monthly so if you require a response there may be a delay.

The link is:  (please mark in the subject line “For the attention of the PPG”)

If you are interested in joining the PPG or Virtual PPG please request an application form from Membership to the group is updated regularly.

Complete the Patient Group Sign-up Form Online

Date of Birth
The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.
Your Age
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?

Patient Participation Group Members

Paul Midgley (chair), Emma Strzelec, Louise Duffield, John Burnett, Jane Morris, Paula Maling, Martin Hedley, Soraya Radjabi, Claire Daniels, Wanda Martin, Leanne Hennessey, Kay England, David Bogod

PPG Terms of Reference

PPG Terms of Reference Oct-23

PPG Meeting Minutes








